Technology Misunderstood

On weekends, I tried to keep up with all things domestic. Beyond immediate family, this included helping out at our local church. One Saturday in September, I found myself waiting tables for a wedding.
While clearing plates, I overheard one gent talking about some graphics boards in his possession. “These aren’t your home graphics boards; these are DOD quality — gold plated contacts and everything! I’m holding onto these; they’re gonna be worth some big money!”
This wasn’t my gig, and I didn’t know these people; so I acted on Annie’s frequent advice and infrequently kept my comments to myself. To wit, these guys had no clue as to the value of technology. It didn’t lie in the residual value of metals but in the cutting edge capability of the product, and edge that was always moving. By the time this guy brought out his boards, the world would say “ho hum” and continue its unmitigated search for the latest and greatest — certainly not old government surplus.
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