Category: Emerging Technologies

The evolving technology enabled other tech, growing exponentially by being shared.


With their new CEO in place and an IPO in the works, eXcite decided to throw a party in SF. Always game for a party, I looked over the invitation. It would be at Winterland. Winterland! What a locale: site of my first and only Grateful Dead concert. I thought back to the mid-seventies when […]

Tech on the Road

Early in April 2000 I headed to the airport for a flight to LA. Spring Internet World was upon us once again. I wondered what new twists would come of well-funded imaginations this time! No matter: just sit back and see. Or rather, walk and scan the endless aisles and floors in the growing convention […]

Drag Race

The Internet held tremendous promise. If large numbers flocked to it, the advantages of such connectivity were significant. We were still contemplating all the ways that businesses could cooperate and people could find information, products, and services. Who knew all the opportunities that might surface? New concepts were emerging every week! Some of these ideas […]

Technology Misunderstood

Technology Misunderstood

On weekends, I tried to keep up with all things domestic. Beyond immediate family, this included helping out at our local church. One Saturday in September, I found myself waiting tables for a wedding. While clearing plates, I overheard one gent talking about some graphics boards in his possession. “These aren’t your home graphics boards; […]

Pre-internet Collaboration

Pre-internet Collaboration

The connectivity afforded by this new medium suggested some wonderful potential for interaction well beyond simple email. Indeed, ahead lay the promise of new virtual worlds. I reflected upon some earlier attempts. In the mid-eighties, I’d used the Dialog service at work. It was basically a grouping of databases with strict search terms, good for […]