Robin Nakamura had joined a start-up in the City called Transactor, which was addressing on-line transactions. We set up a time and I brought Ichihashi-san along. The office was in an industrial building in the southern end of the City; we climbed the concrete stairs to meet the president, Ron. He, Robin, Noriyuki and I […]
Category: Birthing New Companies
Companies did not just appear: they were conceived and born by entrepreneurs with ideas, nurtured into being. If they could raise them to adulthood, they would list on the NASDAQ, survive the feeding frenzy of larger fish, and succeed. Others would we eaten or swept aside in the surge of companies racing toward the promised future.
OnSale Off Sale
I had expected great things from Jerry Kaplan’s company, Onsale. Online auctions represented a new way to connect buyers and sellers like no other. Moreover, I liked Jerry’s approach toward business to business marketing. Onsale wasn’t just a bulletin board of items in a public garage sale. The company had its IPO debut in April […]