
This website is an extension of the book, Fastlane: My Japanese Roadster on the Information SuperHighway.

Martini Art

I/Pro’s next board meeting was followed by a party at the SF Museum of Modern Art, sponsored by one of the East Coast investors. I loved gatherings at museums: one could drink and chat with associates, all the while viewing interesting and creative art. Not only that, she had arranged for this to be a […]

Understanding the Job

I was interested in a company that had a combination of access points into a house or business. One day Kano-san came into my office while I was reading their rather perplexing brochure. “Do you have any company information to send to Itochu?” “Yes, I think this one looks interesting. It has multiple protocol access […]

Boston Seafood

Boston Seafood

Every once in a while I’d get dragged along with Itochu managers to visit a company they were interested in. One day in April, Ito-san blew into the Santa Clara office on his way to Boston. He wanted Fukuhara-san and myself to accompany him to a company whose software CTC was evaluating for distribution in […]

Hokkaido – Hawaii – Home

My flight didn’t leave until morning. After checking in with my hotel once again, I walked back to my favorite restaurant. Usually I chide myself for not exploring other dishes on a menu that is so new to me. Not this time: I enjoyed grilling and eating my crab and seafood as much as before. […]

Alt Hiring

Given the uncertainty of Itochu and the unsustainable situation at UMAX, I continued looking. I responded to an ad for a publishing company in Emeryville. Sybex had been publishing computer books and manuals for years; they had an opening for an Assistant Editor. I had returned to business school to pursue a greater knowledge of […]

Turn Right, Go Left

In my calming walks over to the open fields at Mission College, I noticed motorcycles on a trailer and cones carefully placed in the parking lot. On one of these occasions, I approached. “What do you have going on here?” Tom introduced himself and his motorcycle driving classes. “We spend several sessions right here; then […]

Winter Escape

Winter Escape

Having arranged for my favorite perch aloft, I looked out the airplane window to see the northern coastline of Honshu, Japan’s main island, as it curved to an end. Hokkaido surfaced only a few miles further on. I tried to locate cities and towns but my geographic knowledge was lacking. Soon we turned inland, landing […]